Material required:
Wooden round tray
sanding paper,
seashell print
some seashells from the beach
white wood glue
magic coat decoupage finish medium,
acrylic paint (metallic silver, brown, yellow, white, pearl white)
yacht varnish- semi matt.
magic tube silver wax .
dimensional magic (transparent)
1, Sand the object until you get smooth surface.
2. Mix the color white , pearl white, metallic silver little brown and yellow to prepare the same color of the prints background.
3. Apply the color to all object.
4. Put tick coat white wood glue on the side of tray then adjust the real seashells.
Fill all the gaps with white glue.
5. Wait 12 hours to get completely dry
6. Apply pearl white and silver wax on the wood glue to give pearl effect..
7. Cut the seashell print according to tray’s shape.
8. Sand the back of the picture well.
9. Glue down the seashell print on the tray with decoupage finish
10. Varnish with semi matt yacht varnish .
11. Put dimensional magic on the each seashell on the print .
12. Leave it to dry 12 hours.